Love StoriesRomantic Stories

A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

A Love Story In English Heart Touching: 30 Years Old Love Letter – Life had changed for me. But I never felt it. That Moonlit night walk had now turned into late night strategy workshops. Late night candle light dinner had now turned into a Client meeting. From that sweet and shorts phone calls now turned into long teleconferencing. gifts no longer priority- everything that one  invests now must have a real return. Even spending 500 rupees on a bouquet for Valentine’s Day seemed pointless – and going for a walk means you’re going to waste at least half an hour looking for a parking spot in the city. A Love Story In English Heart Touching: 30 Years Old Love Letter

All in all, the busy office and planning for the future didn’t provide any respite. Whenever she tried to express her feelings in a very mild effort, I used to give a pre-defined reply, “I’m doing all this for all of us,” and she would remain silent for another month. A Love Story In English Heart Touching: 30 Years Old Love Letter. A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

Recently I had to go to Holidays for a meeting for two week. I was working on an important work. I didn’t even have two minutes to talk to my parents who came to our house after traveling nine hundred miles to meet us. I called my wife and said that I will not be able to come, I will have to go the evening. I have found her standing at the door smiling, with a bag packed with all my essentials. A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

A Love Story Touching Love Story In English


The next evening at 8 p.m., I checked in at the Taj hotel in Canada. I wanted to practice presentation before meeting the senior management. I was sure that that file must have been kept. I opened my leather bag but the file was not there! It’s never happened before that she forgot to keep my important file, she never to do that And I even reminded her about this file. I couldn’t control my anger. I started throwing clothes one by one from my bag on the floor in the hotel room. A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

“Oh it’s here” so relieved. “I sighed. I knew that she would never forget my little habit and always meet my endless demands. That’s how I  reminded her, for this important file.

I opened the file, , we used to exchange love letters with each other. In those days, love was not made on the Internet. This will be a matter of more than a year and a half from today. A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

I opened the latter. This was a picture of our family with us and our two young children. We were all smiling. There was a pink greeting card with a red heart on it. Inside the card, it read, “Miss you my dear, you’re my teddy bear.”

When I was returning to Delhi airport, after many years I bought something for her. just for him, bought diamond earrings. I was missing her horribly like I never did or like I used to do 30 years ago today. A Love Story In English Heart Touching: 30 Years Old Love Letter. A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

A Love Story In English Heart Touching : 30 Years Old Love Letter-2022

Read also:- A Love Story


Aman Bainsla

CEO and Founder - Bainsla Music / Bainsla Entertaniment

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