Love StoriesRomantic Stories

The starting point of love – 2022

The starting point of love – 2022

Some people call losing love
So getting something is called love
But the reality is,
We just call love to fulfill.

Coming from a conservative family, I was always told that my parents would do the noble deed of finding a good boy for me and I would happily accept him. Until a certain age, I agreed with that reaction. Although I was once away from love stories, loving couples and “being together forever” talk. The starting point of love

when I was in college, I take tuition classes for math. The place was far from my home and in the winter season, I reach home very late. One such cold night, I was returning home alone.

The streets were deserted, it was too cold and I walked with trembling hands and feet. Now let me tell you something. This was not the first time I was returning home so late. But that night, things were a little different. The starting point of love

We also have Tamanna-e-Ishq,
We also beat in someone’s heart,
I don’t know when we will get them
For which we suffer everyday..!

The starting point of love – 2022

At last, some local boys were sitting, talking and laughing. I saw a bottle of wine in the hand of one of the boys. They were drunk and were talking loudly, I was afraid.

I hurriedly walked towards the bus stop, prayed and hoped that they did not pay attention to me, lest some wrong thinking entered their mind. I was looking down, thinking inside myself, “Please God, let this all be over soon,” and somehow I’ll be able to get home. Then my God listened and my wish was fulfilled. The starting point of love

Are you in my memories, or are you in me,
Are you in my thoughts, or are you in my thoughts,
Dil Mera Dhadak Ke Ask, Same thing over and over again,
You are in my life, or you are my life.

There was a sound of something rushing from behind and I didn’t even turn around to see if any of the boys in that group had followed me, when I realized that someone was coming towards me. I didn’t even look up. Feeling that you can trust someone without saying anything – it was something like that. If you are thinking that some tall, handsome person had come to save me, then you are wrong.

That bus stop was where I first saw my tomorrow. Her sleek legs, slim arms, denim jeans and dark hair paired with a black patched sweatshirt. He looked soft, probably a few inches taller than me.

But I didn’t care about his looks. Whatever he did, even if it was very basic, he was very courageous. Going on the way, helping a stranger, that too without expecting anything in return – who does all this anyway? The starting point of love

Care for you all the time
heart in mind
A friend
This is not friendship, it is much more than this, this is love

In those 20 minutes at the bus stop, we were able to talk to each other about our names and where we live. Thanks god, Facebook available those days.

We connected on Facebook and few days we became good friends.

Finally in 2014, he proposed and on November 6 we met for the second time after that night. The starting point of love

Why does someone fall in love so much
Waiting for a moment becomes difficult,
Everything seems to be getting better and,
A stranger gets so angry.

Our relationship was getting stronger, we were able to handle and fight all the ups and downs of our life as a team.

It amazes me how life can be changed.

I don’t like romance that much but things have changed for me. What I didn’t care about has become my inspiration today. This is called the power of love.

Aman Bainsla

CEO and Founder - Bainsla Music / Bainsla Entertaniment

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