Story Of My First Love | Romantice Love Story 2022

Story Of My First Love – Hello Friends ! Welcome, Today I am going to tell you the story of my first love.
This is the story of that time when i lives in my hometown Dausa. I was studying there and my whole family also living there with me. Beacause my house was in the middle of the city so all the schools and collages was nearby my house. There was a school at about 200 meters distance from my house so all the students of the school used to pass in front of my house. We also have a shop on same road out of our house i used to sit there. One day i sat on our shop and the students of school were going in front of the shop. Story Of My First Love
Story Of My First Love

After some time a group of girls passed in front of me. they all are talking together. Then suddenly my eyes fell on one of them, a dusky girl.long sleeves,sharp eyes and round face,tall stature totally a great combination of beauty. i looked at her and kept looking. My heart started beating loudly just like in the movies. After some time she disappeared before my eyes and entered in the school, but my eyes still wants to see her face. But she had gone inside the school. Story Of My First Love
After half an hour my coaching class’s time is also was coming closer so i went inside my house and got ready to go and went to the coaching. There i met my class friends and tell them all the things which happened to me that morning and i also tell them that i can’t remove my attention from that girl, Then they all told me that- Brother actually you are in love with that girl. Because this only happens in love. Story Of My First Love
After listening this i was very glad because this was happening to me first time, After all i was in love. Then i came from my coaching classes and sat back on our shop and started waiting for her because now i want to know her name, Their school time was 7:00 to 1:30 o’clock.
I was waiting for school’s bell that when the bell ring and she came out from school after some time the school bell rangs and and all the students came out from school slowly slowly all the students passed in front of my shop but she hadn’t come yet, Now i can’t have patience. my eyes longed to see her. Then suddenly i saw that she was coming out of the school with her friends. I started watching her continusely, Really she was very beautiful.
When I was continusely watching her suddenly her eyes felt on me and she started looking at me strangly, But still i was looking at her continusely then she understood that i have something in my heart for her and gave a little smile after Seeing this heart became happy,I felt like I was flying in the clouds, Really this was my first and great experience. Story Of My First Love
Story Of My First Love

Then she went to their house and i also went behind her and then i saw her house, It was about half kilometer from my house. I asked her name to her colony’s boys which was my friends. They told me her name was “Kumkum”. How cute that name was, Now i love her more. That day i can’t sleep whole night. I was just thinking about her, How pretty she was, Did she accept my love or not would she like me or not, Many such questions like these are running in my mind that weren’t letting me asleep. Story Of My First Love
Then next morning again same things. But Today when she was passing in front of our shop i stopped her i went near her and straightly told her that i am in love with her and i like her very much, after listen this she shocked and left from there without saying anything, i also surprised that what happened to her why she left without replying me. Story Of My First Love
Again i went to my coaching classes and told my friends all the matter which was happened to me, after listening this my friends says me- brother the girl isn’t love you your love fails here, After listening it my mind was fully upset but once i wanted to confirm it from kumkum and i left the class in the middle and sat back on our shop and started waitng for kumkum. Story Of My First Love
within a few hours his school bell rang and all the children started coming out then she also came out and again i went near her and hold her hand then she jerked of my hand. And sain “Please don’t have any misconceptions about me i am not that type of girl i don’t like things like love at all.
I said- who told you that i have misconceptions about you. she looked at me strangly, I said- I just like you and want to tell you this. Next Is your choice, whether you accept my love or not. After listen this she said- Actually my father a very strict person. Even if i accept your love, we won’t be able to last long. So Please forgot me. I can’t accept you as a boyfriend. Story Of My First Love
Then I said- never mind, if you can’t accept love but i can continue my love if you don’t have any problem. She said- Ok there is no problem. After that day i often see her walkingin front of our shop. She also looks at me and gives a smile but we never talk together after that day. Story Of My First Love
This is her last year in the school.But my love for her is still the same. So this was the story of first love. Thanks For Reading.
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