
Know The Story Of Two Loving People The Funny Moments Of Both Of Them | New love story 2022

story of two loving people.

story of two loving people
story of two loving people

Know The Story Of Two Loving People The Funny Moments Of Both Of Them | New love story 2022-This was about the time when I went to Agra to hang out with my friends. All of us friends had left for Agra after giving our 12th examinations and went straight for a walk.

We all packed our stuff last night itself. We all had to reach the railway station soon and catch the train for Agra.
We all reached the railway station well before the train time. The train had reached the railway station in time.

We also took train tickets and sat in the train. We were four friends going to Agra. Our friendship was so deep since childhood that if we went anywhere, we would go together. Even the four of us studied together. From the same school. story of two loving people

The coach we were sitting in. The four seats in front of us had already been booked by someone who was going to sit from the station ahead. We were all very happy to go out to Agra. After reaching the next station, the train stopped there.

I got down at the railway station to have some food. Till the time it was time for the train to start again. I brought chips to eat and cold drinks to drink and water for my friends. When I had just got into my compartment with all this, four beautiful girls were sitting in the front four seats of ours.

As soon as I went ahead, all the four girls started staring at me, I quietly left my friendship from there. And went there and sat down.

I was asking about the Taj Mahal in Agra with my friendship. Because at that time the Taj Mahal was only read in books. And today we are all going there to see it. story of two loving people

As the night was falling, the train was increasing its speed. One of the four girls who were sitting in front of us was opening her book and the other three girls were talking to you. Now we have to go through a terrible forest by train I had to pass.

The train was also increasing its speed too fast. We were only eight people in a compartment who were sitting together. We all three friends of my walkie fell asleep saying that the train would reach Agra the next morning. story of two loving people

As the train was passing through the forest, terrible sounds were coming from the forest. Hearing the fear of those voices, three of those four girls slept in their own places. At that time I was also feeling scared and I could not sleep too.

One of the four girls was still reading her book. I also took out my phone and started checking my messages. story of two loving people

Know The Story Of Two Loving People The Funny Moments Of Both Of Them | New love story 2022

After some time suddenly more loud scary sounds started coming from the forest. Hearing that voice, the girl was very scared. And closing her book suddenly started looking here and there.
At that point the light of the train compartment went off. At that time the girl was very nervous. Know the story of two loving people the funny moments of both of them |2022 new love story.

After the light went off, she was so scared that she quietly picked up and sat on the seat behind me. Even she was not able to sleep. Seeing him scared, I dared to say the same thing that he is not afraid, I am not with him.

She was so scared because of the darkness in the box that she started feeling thirsty when I gave her that water from my bottle. And made her sit beside her.

Then the light of the box also came on. story of two loving people
Till we both asked about each other. Then she told that she is going to Agra with her friends and she is sad to read books till late night.

I also told that all of us are going to Agra.
He told the names of his four friends. And then his own. He told the name as a witness, I also told the names of my friends and told my name Dev. At that time a loud sound was coming from the forest, but he was not afraid at all.

He asked about my studies and my family members. I also asked him about his family. Slowly the train was crossing the forest, just now we were waiting for the next morning.
Both of them slept together after talking a lot. The train reached Agra as soon as morning. story of two loving people

All of us happy moments after going to Agra. Know The Story Of Two Loving People The Funny Moments Of Both Of Them | New love story 2022

story of two loving people
story of two loving people

Know The Story Of Two Loving People The Funny Moments Of Both Of Them | New love story 2022

As soon as they all saw both of us sleeping together, all were amazed. Then the witness told everyone that there was a loud sound coming from there while doing the forest. And at the time of the sound, the light of the compartment went off simultaneously.

Because of which she was very scared. So got up and sat down near Dev. Then all his friends looked at me with murderous eyes and said that you have not done anything like this with him, nor did I say that nothing like this has happened between us. Everyone went together to see the Taj Mahal of Agra

Went. Everyone had a lot of fun all day, everyone posed for photos. We all started trusting each other very well now.

After roaming all day, we all went to a hotel to have dinner in the evening, all of them together Had dinner together and everyone talked a lot about the Taj Mahal of Agra. We were very tired so everyone decided to go for the second day.

All of them went to their respective rooms after moving around a lot. Me and Sakshi were sitting outside and talking. Then he asked me about his love, do you love anyone, then I said that I have not loved anyone yet.

story of two loving people.

story of two loving people
story of two loving people

Then he asked me about love, what is love. Then I said that if someone is in love, then it should be told NHI, rather the man should feel that he is in love. Don’t make fun of his love. Then he replied that have you not felt my love.

I was also surprised to hear this answer. He said that he had fallen in love with me when I had given water to his fearful person.

I accepted the same request. Then both of us sat outside together and talked the whole night.

We both took each other’s phone numbers. He also told me the address of his house. The next morning we all sat on the train from Agra to our respective homes. Came home. After coming home, we both talked a lot.

She was very happy to have me. Now both of us talk about our love till late night. So this was the story of my love, so how did you all like it. Do tell by commenting.

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Aman Bainsla

CEO and Founder - Bainsla Music / Bainsla Entertaniment

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