LOVE STORY | ENGLISH LOVE STORY – 2022- Actually this story begins from a village in the same village, there lived an orphan boy named Raju who was only ear to ear. His parents had died in his childhood. He lived at his uncle’s place. His uncle was also poor. Those people did not even have land to cultivate. They used to eat while doing other’s work. His aunt used to harass him, did not give him food on time, nor used to treat him well. ENGLISH LOVE STORY
She always used to curse Raju. And used to get Raju to do a lot of work. Raju’s uncle loved him very much. One day some boys of the village were going to the city to work, then Raju also told his uncle about going to work in the city, then his uncle let him go thinking that if Raju stayed here then his aunt would get him on time. Will not give food and will scold Raju, but if he stays in the city, he will do some work and he will eat food on time and will live with peace. ENGLISH LOVE STORY
Raju went to the city and started working as a laborer. After some time when he came back to his village, it was found that both his uncle and aunt lost their lives due to illness and starvation. Raju’s uncle and aunt also did not have any children except Raju . Now there is no one left for Raju. Neither did Raju have a farm, nor any means of livelihood. His only support was to fill his stomach by doing labor. Now Raju had to cook by himself, that’s why the people of the village started telling Raju that you get married. ENGLISH LOVE STORY
If you are a wife, then you have to cook your body and work comfortably so that you can get some rest. LOVE STORY But no one was ready to marry his girl with Raju because Raju had nothing but a house and he was also an eye-to-eye. One day, when Raju went to work in the neighboring village, he saw that an old man was working, the old man was also scolding the old man that you do not come to work from tomorrow, you are not able to work. ENGLISH LOVE STORY

After the work is over, Raju asks the old man why do you come to work, do you have no one to work here? Then the old man replies with a sad heart that what should I tell son, LOVE STORY there is a young blind daughter in my house whose name is Raju, no one is marrying her. So you need something to eat, nor do you have to work for this. ENGLISH LOVE STORY
Then Raju says that I am also not getting married because I have nothing except home. Will you marry your daughter with me? Then the old man answers yes and Raju and Champa get married. ENGLISH LOVE STORY
Champa was a sensible girl, in fact Champa was not completely blind, she could see a little blur. Now Raju Khushi – Khushi started earning her living by working in her own village. The love of both husband and wife was immeasurable. Raju also had a boy whom he names Aman. LOVE STORY
One day, due to lack of work in the village, Raju thinks to go to work in the city. When Raju asks his wife to go to the city, his wife refuses, then Raju says that son Aman is also now six to seven years old. He too has to be taught and written. I’m leaving only for a few days. Champa agrees after listening to Raju . ENGLISH LOVE STORY
Raju goes to the city to work and there he gets a job of bricks and mortar, he has to deliver bricks and iron rods on the roof. LOVE STORY He went on working well for a few days, one day he was giving an iron rod to another worker on the roof, but unfortunately suddenly the iron rod was released from the hand of another worker. ENGLISH LOVE STORY
And got caught in Raju’s eye. The owner took him to the doctor. LOVE STORY But the doctor told that now he has become completely blind in both the eyes. Raju’s soul started trembling from inside. His dream of educating his son was broken, he could not understand what he would do now. He was taken to his village. Now both husband and wife have become blind, they have nothing left except a seven year old innocent child Aman. Now Aman holds Raju’s hand and takes it anywhere and brings it. ENGLISH LOVE STORY