A Perfect Love Story | New Love Story 2022

A Perfect Love Story- Hello Friends, I am back with a new story, which I can call perfect love story.
Actually this is the time when I was in my collage life and studying in B.A. 2nd year at my hometown’s collage. I am very open minded person and I always share my all the things of my life with my friends. So they always believe me because of this. I have many best friends in collage and Piyush and Amit was one of them. A Perfect Love Story
They Also share their all the things with me. Our Friendship was very deep. We Started Our Study together and we were very intelligent in our studies. we used to goes collage with each other and also comes together. One day we were going to collage, Amit was talking with someone on his phone Me and Piyush were talking together after going for some distance I saw that a girl was standing at the bus stop. A Perfect Love Story
A Perfect Love Story-

I was just surprised to see her. She also had some friends with her. Her lips like rose petals, her eyes like a deep lake, Pointing towards her, A little but a small mole was putting four moons on his face. I told Amit to see how beautiful that girl is. Amit also agreed with me. We were getting late for Collage so we got out there in a hurry. A Perfect Love Story
After reaching collage I was just thinking about her full day. her beauty captivated me. How can someone be so beautiful. I told Amit that I am unable to forget that girl. Amit said it means you are in love with the girl. I wondered how this is possible, Amit told me it usually happens. When we see someone and we like that, If we start liking him a lot it means we love him. A Perfect Love Story
Then we left from collage and went to our homes but But what was told by Amit was still flashing in my mind. Was I really in love with that girl, Is this the real love. I was in haste for the next morning when I will go again there where I saw that girl because I wants know more things about her. What was her name, From where she was and will she be my girlfriend. Somehow I spent that night in the wait of next morning because I can’t sleep that full night. A Perfect Love Story
Next morning I stand up and get ready for college before one hour of College time. My family members think that what is the reason today, Why I am being ready so early. Then my mother asked me- why are you getting ready so early. I replied- No Maa ! There’s nothing like this I was just thinking that I was just thinking that I should not be late for college because of this I was getting ready earlier. A Perfect Love Story
A Perfect Love Story-

Mother Said- Ok ! Then I called Amit and Piyush for ask to come early before time because yesterday we got late because of that girl. So today we will go early. After 10-15 Minutes I also left from home and went towards the same bus stand where saw that girl yesterday. Amit and Piyush also came and we went on the bus stop. But we saw that she hadn’t come yet. A Perfect Love Story
I asked Piyush- Brother ! Why she hadn’t come yet Piyush said- Brother what is hurry, She will be just coming Don’t worry. After about 5-6 minutes I saw that she was coming with her friends from the street which was in front of the bus stop. She came on stop and stand there I was waiting that when she look at me I do some activity so she will notice me and started talk to her. After 2-3 minutes she looks at me Randomly And I gave a smile to her then she looks at me strangely. A Perfect Love Story
She noticed that I want to say something to her. I went near her and Introduce myself, I am Aman student of Maharaja College. She sad- Hello !
Then I dared to ask- Will you be my friend ? I was afraid not to feel bad. She smiled at me and said- Ok and and proceeded to shake his hand.
I was glad I shake hand with her then I asked her name. She told- Manisha Sharma ! I said- Nice to meet you miss Manisha.
She said- Nice to meet you Mr. Aman. then we both burst out laughing. I was very happy Because she accepted my friendship. I told Amit and Piyush whole things which happened between me and Manisha. They were also happy after knew that. They Suggested me to talk me to Manisha about my love for her. I said- I will talk about it after sometime I’ll do it when my friendship with her gets too deep, otherwise she won’t leave me. A Perfect Love Story
A Perfect Love Story

Then Me and Manisha Be very best friends and started live like we know each other from many years. We started meet after college and Enjoying together, watch movies, shopping and many more things. After some months have gone one day I decided to tell Manisha that I love her. So I called Manisha And ask her to come in a park for meet me. She agreed and tell me that she is reaching there in 5 minutes. I have reached there before her. And Then she also came there. A Perfect Love Story
We sat on a bench there. Manisha asked tell me why did you call me here. Then I hold her hand my hand and told her that Actually I started love her from that first day when they meet first time. Then Manisha laughed a lot after listening it. I asked her that why she was laughing so much Whereas i Was serious about this. A Perfect Love Story
She said- You idiot, I Also loves you very much and I also wants to tell you from a long time but I was waiting for best time. We both was very happy knew it that we both loves each other and now It was turn to tell our parents. We decided to tell our parents about this. Next day Manish and me told our parents that We loves each other. Our parents also agreed about our relationship. We were very happy after this happened. Now our parents fixed our engagement next month and we have more love between us and our families.
And soon we will got married and will live happy life with each other. Manisha said me that I am very lucky that you came in my life and really she loves me very much. I also love her more than my life. We promised to spend the next seven lives with each other. So This was My Perfect Love Story.
I hope you like this. Thanks for reading. A Perfect Love Story.
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